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Personal Career Discovery

Explore CNM's collection of documents and website materials using the hyperlinks below. 


Career Transitions Questions, PDF Click Here

Cheryl Bedard, is a CNM guest speaker, an executive recruiter, and Founder of Cheryl Bedard Search LLC. She shares nine questions which give clarity and direction for a career transition.

Day Dream Your Career Exercise, PDF Click Here

Alex Harrington, GCDF, CCSP, a CNM workshop presenter, helps job seekers identify their next role with this three-question exercise.

Job Search Activity Assessment, MS-Excel Click Here

Bob Plummer, CNM workshop presenter, shares a list of job search activities for identifying the activities which you have completed, those you need to complete, and those you have yet to start.



Identifying Your Transferable Skills, PPT Click Here

Christine Westbrook, a leadership and career development consultant and CNM workshop presenter, provides information on identifying and leveraging your transferable skills.

Zety Visit Website

Zety is an online resume builder with a blog that features free professional advice from career experts. It can be a helpful tool for writing your resume. Author, Maciej Duszynski, CPRW, shares his list of the top Transferable Skills, Transferable Skills: Definition & 50 Examples for a Resume, 6/21/2023.

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