Kevin Connifey
Presenter - Interview Practice
After 30 years of high-end IT sales, Kevin Connifey found himself out of work. While looking for work, he did all the wrong things that he talks about now. He didn't utilize his network, he didn't line up multiple interviews, and when he interviewed looking back, he didn't do enough to earn the job. He was stuck and he felt it. That is one reason why when he talks to people today, he can empathize with them.
Kevin started his own job search help group, the Interview Practice Group 6 years ago, while he was looking for work, with two other people. They both got jobs and Kevin retired, but he kept the group going. If you join us, you will receive an interview question in front of up to 15 people. It can be daunting, but it works. To date, 361 people have sent Kevin letters, emails texts, or come to the Zoom meeting to thank the group for helping them to regain the confidence they lost when they lost their jobs. "Confidence is the bi-product of Action".
CNM allowed Kevin to bring what he does to their Tuesday evening event. His presentation is very different, in that he doesn't ask questions, but makes it a point to relate to people on their level, that he knows the desperation, frustration, and even embarrassment, of losing a job. Kevin tries to get everyone engaged, even if they don't want to. He tries very hard to get people to step out of their comfort zones, and be their best authentic selves, at least with him.
Kevin feels he is making a difference.