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John Foster

John Foster

Vecter Art of Blue LinkedIn Logo

Co Leader - LinkedIn Team

John E. Foster co-leads CNM’s LinkedIn team and is a LinkedIn expert. But he is also known as a “connector” - connecting people, opportunities, and information.


As an early adopter of social media and a pioneer at using LinkedIn, John developed a passion for assisting others to navigate the digital landscape – especially LinkedIn. This led him to present two of CNM’s weekly LinkedIn workshops where he helps those searching for their next career to communicate their value and grow their network.


With over 30 years of sales experience in the Financial Services industry, he knows the importance of differentiating yourself before, during, and after the sales process, and he now shows others how to "sell" themselves as the best candidate for a job by using social media. 


John is also a Healthy Food Evangelist, advocating healthy eating habits for achieving good health and wellness. He is an Ambassador GreenFare Organic Café promoting and marketing the business.


John has celebrated his fourteenth year at CNM, and he says that volunteering is "one of the highlights of my week. There is an intangible part of the job search which CNM fills, support, care and understanding of the people who are in transition. I am honored to be able to be part of CNM.”


John believes, "Ultimately, it all comes down to relationships - our lives are designed for relationships. Our relationship with our Creator gives our lives purpose. Our relationships with people allow our purpose to be fulfilled.” CNM is grateful for the relationship we have with John and hopes it continues for many more years.

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